I married a nerd.
So my husband (The Handsome Linguist) called today.
HL: Molly, I have something to ask you. You know I'm a dork right?
Me: Yeah.
HL: Well . . . would it be OK if I bought a starter kit of Magic: The Gathering cards?
Me: [stifling laughter] Yeah, I guess that would be fine. How much are they?
HL: $12. I could join some of the tournaments up at Pegasus Games.
Me: Sure. Go for it.
The conversation progressed, we talked about what we were eating for dinner, etc. Then . . .
HL: Umm, I have a confession to make. You know how I asked you if I could buy some Magic cards? Well, um . . . I kind of called after the fact.
Me: You already bought them?! Ha!
HL: Well, I was nervous about buying them because you'd think I was a nerd.
Me: I always have, honey.
HL: Didn't you wonder how I already knew what the price was?
Me: I figured you had researched it online or something.
HL: No. But if I tell you how I knew what the price was, you'd laugh at me.
Me: Too late, I'm already laughing my ass off.
HL: *sigh* . . . I found out from one of the 4th graders at school.
At which point I was laughing so hard that everyone at the office turned and looked at me.
He went on to tell me about buying the cards from a guy who looked just like Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons, who gave him the tournament schedule. Know when the biggest tournaments are held?
Yeah, Friday nights. When else?
HL: Molly, I have something to ask you. You know I'm a dork right?
Me: Yeah.
HL: Well . . . would it be OK if I bought a starter kit of Magic: The Gathering cards?
Me: [stifling laughter] Yeah, I guess that would be fine. How much are they?
HL: $12. I could join some of the tournaments up at Pegasus Games.
Me: Sure. Go for it.
The conversation progressed, we talked about what we were eating for dinner, etc. Then . . .
HL: Umm, I have a confession to make. You know how I asked you if I could buy some Magic cards? Well, um . . . I kind of called after the fact.
Me: You already bought them?! Ha!
HL: Well, I was nervous about buying them because you'd think I was a nerd.
Me: I always have, honey.
HL: Didn't you wonder how I already knew what the price was?
Me: I figured you had researched it online or something.
HL: No. But if I tell you how I knew what the price was, you'd laugh at me.
Me: Too late, I'm already laughing my ass off.
HL: *sigh* . . . I found out from one of the 4th graders at school.
At which point I was laughing so hard that everyone at the office turned and looked at me.
He went on to tell me about buying the cards from a guy who looked just like Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons, who gave him the tournament schedule. Know when the biggest tournaments are held?
Yeah, Friday nights. When else?
At 6:40 PM ,
MsPrufrock said...
The Dude is a bit of a closet sci fi nerd, so I feel your pain. There was an excellent D&D episode of Freaks & Geeks that explored the roleplay nerd phenomenon and it was hilarious. For whatever reason, this post reminded me of that. As long as you don't join in, it should be alright.
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